Over the years, we’ve listened to our customers, watched the trends, and kept on optimizing our Video Management computer and server platforms, in an uncompromising pursuit of both superior value for money and an outstanding service experience for our customers. Grown from this conviction, Vimasoft continues to expand, having installed our servers for the projects all over the globe. Whether we are building systems with 24 cameras or with 10,000, our clients can rely on our flawless customer service and support by Vimasoft.

Today, over a decade later, the founders’ vision continues to guide the beliefs, actions and ambitions of Vimasoft’s professional team. Ensuring the exceptional quality of its solutions, the newest generation of hardware products – combined with an astonishing degree of innovation from Luxriot’s recognizably high quality EVO technology. Our systems are designed for video surveillance software and are open platform, scalable and provide the highest level of performance. 


AirportsJails and PrisonsMining Pipeline 
Automobile Supply chainFood IndustryMilitary Base Refinery 
CasinoGovernment Nuclear Base Safe City
EducationLaw enforcement Oil PlatformSea ports
Energy GridMarine SurveillancePetrochemicalTransportation 

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